Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A First Introduction …

Assalammu’alaikum … Holla’s everybody!!! Meet me again with my new taste of english blog, A. Y. Indrayana with my new blog Catatan Indrayana English. Horeeyyy… :D . First, I wanted to introduce myself about the writer’s simple profile. Hehehe …. Let’s checkit out yaa ^ ^

My name is A. Y. Indrayana. Graduated from Bina Sarana Informatika college in major study of Communication Broadcasting. Yeah. I’m a broadcaster student. My general job is editing video, making film, and reporting a news.

Starting from February 2012 until today you can call me “Blogger” because I like to do something correlated to blogging activity. Such as KPK. Hehehe … What is KPK??? KPK is a non-formal community who has the leader Asep Haryono and Zachronisampurno with our members A. Y. Indrayana, Rudy Arra, Ay Sagira, Reo Adam, Budy Shinichi, Budi Os 19, and the last Rawins. What is the general job of KPK? And what is the long name of KPK??? Hehehe. Well … I forgot to tell you what is KPK meanings in the blogger.

KPK, in the long name are Komisi Penghancur Komen. In general jobs, all member of KPK must be active to damage an another KPK’s member comment column. It means start and make a comment with no meaning or we can say “Out of Topic”. Hehehe … and, every conversation between us, a member KPK, we always use these good things such like “bubur”, “panci”, “jus lele”, “klepon”, “najwa shihab”, jurus kodok mati menahan nafsu”, “celana”, and another funny words we usually use. Just see and … feel the difference of blogging sensation!!!! Hehehehe ……

Well, I must end this post. Follow on this blog and participating to comment (such as damaging this comment column … of course) will be very hoped. Last but not least, I will say again to you all … Welcome to my English Blog!!!! :D


  1. wah keren.... gudlak ya..:)
    sukses utk blog barunya dn sukses utk KPK nya, dn kayanya KPK tuh lbh cocok dibilang 'Komisi Perusak Ketenangan' hehehehe......

    1. eh perivikasi katanya blm diilangin ya,, ntr diprotes mas rawins lho... hoho...

    2. Yess, Miss Ummuhilya ...

      Thank you for your agreement to follow my new blog ... Hope u'll faithful to comment my next post and later..hehehe :D

      Betul sekali itu. Komisi Perusak Ketenangan.
      Apaa??? Mas Rawins protes??? Sinihsinih .... biar aku ngumpet dibelakang kang Asep Haryono aja. Haha :D

    3. Wah wah ada definisi baru nih dari mba Sun soal kepanjangan KPK hiehiheie. Semakin kaya dan bervariasi aja nih KPK hihieieieiee, Mantaf mba Sun, Ini masukan dan sekaligus juga pencerahan. Hiheiheiheiheiheiee. Weee ada yang ngumpet ya. Wedewwwwwwwwwww mau maen petak umpet nih ya

    4. Sipp. Akan ada definisi baru dari KPK nih ya. Hahahaha :D

  2. So glad to know your new blog English version...Finally....

    1. Mas A.Y.Indrayana? He is one of the most handsome guys on this planet. Trust me. It works

    2. weiii, sapa yg mabuk neh? kok ada yg jualan antimo di sini

  3. kalau komen disini pake basa jawa boleh gak?
    aku tetap anggota kpk,jadi komen sakarepku......hahahahaha
    mantap blognya,aq bingung ga tau artinya.....mungkin kurang minum jus lele kali ya :D

    1. @Reo Adam : hmmm Jus Lele ya mas Reo Adam. Saya belum tau kandungan gizi dari Jus Lele. Cuma dari membayangkan Lele nya yang ada "kumis" nya itu pasti "sesuatu" banged ya. Sehat nda semaput iya hiheiheiheihe.

    2. Ooh boleh boleh banget Mas .... Yang penting komen dimari. Hahaha :D

    3. Kalau mau nyoba pake bahasa sansekerta lebih maknyus tuh, kan bisa buat belajar SAIA jugak...

  4. Replies
    1. eh tanya. KPK itu selain ngancurin koment, ngancurin apa lagi? rumah orang? barang orang?

  5. nice to read this, mas Indra.. hope you will keep updating this so-called English version blog :)

  6. tok..tok..i'm coming...*nyari bubur sunsum...wkwkwkkkk

  7. My English not okay, I Just wanna say "mantep" :D

  8. hei hei im visiting :), speaking bout KPK, why dont u make a post bout ur words, such as : bubur, panci, klepon and so on, coz i dont know what it means

  9. itu expresinya kayak mau ngeclink :D

  10. wah full english nih sobs.. btw, saya pengen sampein kalo sobat dpat Award dari saya... Cek yah kang..

  11. wahh kereeen , pngin bisa lancar bhs inggrisnya :)

    follow ya
